essay 5

            Today I will try to explain number of words you know the meaning from somewhere and you use in your casual life repeatedly, but this group doesn’t include word like … . It is too long, let say vocabulary instead of this endless sentence.
            I’m sure every single person heard that “ You should read book” from his/her teacher or parents or another adults when he/she was a student. And most of the students ask that what ‘is’ the benefit of reading book. You know the answers already. İf you finish a lot of book your vocabulary will expand, your knowledge will increase, you will speak fluently, book you finished will help you in exams etc. Okey, these things sounds good but ı’m wondering about an idea. what is vital difference between ‘book’ and as in 3 idiot film “Instruments that record, analyze, summarize,organize, debate and explain information that are illustrated, non-illustrated, hand-bound, paperback, jacketed, non-jacketed,with foreword introduction table of contents, index that are intended for the enlightment, enrichment, understanding, enhancement and education of the human brain through the sensory route of vision, sometimes touch” it is just an exaggeration to explain my idea beter. Because we make this mistake, using more simple and common words instead of expressions what describe exactly what we want to tell,.
I want to say that what will happen if we don’t use synonyms, adages, comparatives-superlatives.
First things first, can we use one word instead of it’s synonim? For example: terrific-awesome, polite-courteous, loyal-faithful, intelligent-brilliant-clever, enormous-huge, farmful-hazardous, great-big, great-good or instead of-rather than. First time i thought about this ,this made sense to me, there are lot of synonym words and we can’t learn and use all of them. Maybe you think that, every word has more than one meanings. Yes this is true but if etymologist and philologist make a study fort hat problem we can get rid off tons of expressions and in first look we can think this will make our life, conversations easier.
I have two argument in this case. Firstly, you know we match some words with some specific incidents and events. As an example, you can’t call the famous leader, Alexander the Great with great’s synonym. Word by word meaning doesnt change but in total of the complement, the complement will lose it’s historical meaning. You can’t explain red square with another word. Or 1789 French Revolution has only one name, famous saying is “viva la revolucion” not viva la reforme. Second argument has mentioned in a well-known book. 1984, George Orwell. İn this masterpiece author has created a utopic nightmare senario and writer tells us a persons life in a dictated country. Government of Ocenia(name of country) create a language under ‘newspeak’ name. Summary of newspeak is ‘the lower vocabulary is better for citizens’
Newspeak has a few step to reach it’s target:
1- immobilize as much as word’s using, to give an instance synonyms and antonyms.if you want to say dark in newspeak you MUST use unlight or unstrong instead of weak.
2- Party(government) organizes and changes the complements and compound words to make their pronounciation easiser. According to me “Big Brother” (the dictator) has same principles with Rene Descartes. Descartes says ‘Cogito Ergo Sum’ means ‘I think therefore I am’. works like speaking and writing requires think a lot normally. And if a job is hard or take your time a lot, your brain will get used work a lot. I mean a rolling stone gathers no moss. To reach his target Big Brother give an order to etymologist. Take of irregular verbs, adjectives etc. from usage. There is not ‘better’ or ‘worse’ or ‘thought’ in newspeak. Rather than these expressions Party force people to use ‘gooder’, badder’, ‘thinked’.
Lastly and i think the most crucial change in language is switching the intentions of words. I want to write a part of book. “Its vocabulary was so constructed as to give exact and often very subtle expression to every mean that a Party member could properly wish to express, while excluding all other meanings and also the possibility at arriving of them by indirect methods. This was done partly by the invention of new words, but chiefly by eliminating underisirable words and by stripping such words as remained of unorthodox meanings. And so far as possible of secondary meaning whatever. To give a single example. The word FREE stil existed in newspeak, but it could only be usedin such statements as ‘This dog is free from lice’ or ‘This field is free from weeds’ it could not be used in its old sense of ‘politically free’ or  ‘intellectually free’ since political and intellectual freedom no longer existed even as concepts, and were therefore of necessity nameless. Quite apart from the suppression of definitely heretical words, reduction of vocabulary was regarded as an end itself, and no word that could be dispensed with was allowed to survive. Newspeak was designed not to extend but to diminish the range of thought, and this purpose was indirectly assissted by cutting the choice of words down to a minimum.
As a summary you can’t imagine anything without a referance point. For instance what kind of Picture will exist if somebody say to you ‘hell’. Fire, lava, red, blood, screams, devi lor something like that. All of these incident are your reference points to explain what is hell. And these the closest things you can see in the world. now just thinh you have never seen fire, İf somebody will teach you fire is a good thing you will imagine hell as a good place. Same base if you don’t know anything about REAL freedom you won’t interrogate the Party and Big Brother. Because they teach you what is freedom and they teach to you dictating is the best way for you, otherwise you will die. How can you start a rebellion inside of your brain without a true referance.
Just don’t forget we know bad because there is good. İf there is no good bad will be normal for you.
War is peace,Freedom is slavery, İgnorance is strength
                                                                       “Big Brother”


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