essay 3

I'm not so interested about going to cinema, because i found cinemas too loud for me, i know this is the main feature of every cinemas, huge hole, higher sound effects(volume) no lights except white screen these are discomforting me.
 And i have a scientific argument, also think every people must be disturbed because our ears existed in a phenomenon, and they are useful in a exact volume range about 30-70 decibel and according to experts if you get in a space which has higher than 90decibel volume level yours ears will be forced and they give us an advice open your mouth,because we have a tube for balancing the pressure in our medial ear and this eustachian tube connect our mouth and midlle ear as you can understand from lines above
 moreover ı have an another cause to not liking cinema ambiance. you know you cant do some actions in cinema or theatre etc like talking with your friend, eat something(in most of the cinemas you can break this rule, that is not my business). while ı am doing something such as watching films ı feel obligatory to do another action simultaneously. because you and ı think everybody already knows and of the film. you can predict that how film will end( of course there are exceptions as every situations but exceptions dont break the rules.) so why you have to spend your two or three ours for just watching a film. in my vision ı cant enjoy, so ı think how can ı feel comfotable while watching films. criticizing. every film has a lot of logic mistake because you cant make a watchable film without extraordinary situations. and every critical open a topic to talk, ı say this is wrong then my friend tell me a memory or share an information, that way ı am enjoying.
 if ı should talk about darkness feature of cinema saloons, ı recommend you to watch 3d film for understand what feel in cinema. you eyes will be get tired a lot and you even focus on an object short or long distance doesnt matter after 3 hour film.
 ı feel very uncomfortable in cinema saloons but ı dont have any unchangable rules about this topic, my friends invited me to watch film and ı accepted every single invitation, these cause ı wrote above can be tolerated i think. i want you to forgive my fault of tongue


  1. moreover ı have another / please correct this sentence. I liked your text very much.

    I agree with you about the cinema. Cinema also disturbs me very much. I become sleepy after a period of time.



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