essay 2

 this day ı want to (actually this is a homework so ı have to do this) talk about relationship between teenagers and adults or his/her parents.
 firstly ı want talk about "new generation is ..." saying. old and middle aged people fill the blank with words something like respectless, agressive, always using technologiv devices hole day, cant make a proper dialog,they think they know everything, dont listen elder peoples. ı think some of them make sense but a few ideas are so absurd.
 ı want to start with the technologic device case. ı'm sure everybody agree this thesis, technology's beneficialness state depend on why people use these things. we( teenagers) cant make without mobile phones or computers but some of the students use these for learning something useful like learning software or history. internet is the easiest way to learn. my intention is most of the parents want their children as a nerd. may the word "nerd" is too much but ıf say a more polite word ıt couldnt be enough. they think the most important think is univertsity exam, but they cant realise(parents always talk about what ı m going to say, but they rarely behave in  dimension of this)if a kid learn how to leartn himself/herself by searching on the internet. will a company which is not belongs to government hire a doctor which dont know learning himselves. of course won't, or who likes a person cant communicate, if you spend your hole times for study you canty get on well somebody has opposite opinion. ı am a living example ı think. ı wasnt a nerd but ı was rarely hanging out with my friends or talking with strangers.then o started working in a cigkofte shop. i have to talk with customers an ı have to make them happy while they waiting their order. thus ı started to talk more proper. there is a saying in 3 idiot film "try to catch perfection, that time success will find you automatically", that perfection doesn't mean study a lot, if we understand this in group of parents and teenagers. we will achieve something.
 everybody wants their children as a doctor or an engieer, but every child has a capacity and thinking variant f you try to upload more information to a teenager a rebellion  will start against every single action about study. who will listen an implement a tyrant's(if somebody force you to do something you dont want to do you can call him tyrant) advices(!). so, what is the solution. i think solution is psychology. if you want give advice to someb ody else, you have analyse him, what is his/hers hobbys, how is he/she live his daily live even you have to know his politic idea to know how person you will advice's brain works. famous politicians, religionistic leaders have a common feature. they know the way to make people believing your idea. in summary everyperson should learn the art of conversation as more as he can. otherwise you make matters worse while you are trying to be helpful.
 also technology problems has one more origins. some people cant tolerate the evolution of something. most of adults didnt use technologic devices such as smartphones. they might think only way to improve yourself is study on paper, ı dont mean that school subject while i was writing study, like encyclopedia, or read newspaper for develop your general knowledge. this is a characteristic missing i think, so i cant find a solution. may be you can convince hi, technology has a lot of benefit an one of these benefit is the easy accesd to information.
 ı want you to forgive my la'psus li'nguaes(if you know a better way to saying, please share with me). Have a nice day


  1. I want you to forgive my fault of the tongue....
    The general structure of your text is wonderful, I think.
    But you shouldnt approach to these articles in the way that it is obligatory.
    Try to think that it is a benefit for you to learn something.

    1. topic was about communication problems between teenagers and adults, and fortunately i have no problem with my parents, i understand their ideas they care what i i think, thats why wrote i have to write because i dont have specific opinion about this topic


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