essay 1

 Why I don't have the summer homework's writing parts, in a short way ı can say, nob ody has given it to me. and ı have a story that shows the cause.
 our school made an exam in the middle of july, ı cant remember the exact day, because of ı was a new student, ı wasn't using the website of our school  a lot. so ı missed the exam then school send a message to my father " your child missed the exam, he should come to school and make his exam" ı went school on e week later an did my responsibility. when ı was atr school for exam, only one administrator was a school and he forgot to give me summer homework. a few more weeks later ı went th scholl because my exam calculated in as wrong way. o talked with the director of the school and solve the problem. while ı was going he said " ı almost forget, did take your summer work" i said no, he gave me only question book that include main subjects i yks. ı realised we also had a language homework to do in summer three days before language homework's check.
 thats all ı want to say, ı wrote this because everytime my teacher talk about this ı feel that ı have to explain my special situtation again and again. and ı also think ı have to have a essay ab out summer homeworks because all of my schoolmate made an effort for this have a nice day.


  1. Thanks a lot for this explanation. It has been very beneficial for me.


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